Friday, July 20, 2012

Brooklyn's first chore

 So since we brought Maya into our lives she has been wonderful! But there is one thing that every dog does that is a pain.  Dog poop. It has to be picked up in order to have a clean and fun backyard.  So we gave Brooklyn this chore.  It might sound harsh, But listen.
We brought this chore idea up to her a while ago and she refused and didn't want to do it. A week or so later i caught her in the act.  YES, she was picking up dog poop on her own. Go girl taking the initiative. 
 So once again we brought the idea up to her and told her she will get 50 cents a week if she picks up dog poop when mom and dad ask and whenever she sees it.  She agreed.  I feel just a little bad making her do such a chore for 50CENTS.  But i have to be cheap with her while i can.  Its like when my dad use to give us a quarter to mop the kitchen..stinker!
She has done an amazing job.  Go Brooklyn! Keep it up.

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