Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ultimate title

In the eyes of the world I am a 

Women, Wife, Friend, Employee, Associate, Neighbor, Shopper, and Homeowner.

But in the eyes of my children I am the 

Expert on hugs and kisses, a Cheerleader, Chef, Entertainer, Hairstylist, Counselor, Disciplinarian, Dishwasher,  Friend, Genius, Inventor, Mentor, Book reader, Mind Reader, Nurse, Organizer, Psychologist, Seamstress, Teacher, Waitress, Game player and the list can go on. 

I would never give up those many jobs I have, especially since they are helping in raising my children to be amazing people.  Don't get me wrong some days, our house is very loud with yelling and crying, but at the end of the day we say our prayers and thank Heavenly Father for a great day we had together, because we were together.

I would consider myself a Stay at home mom even though I work until 10 in the morning.  I don't get to wake the kids up and feed them breakfast, but I am there when they are done and ready to play the rest of the day.  Thank goodness their Daddy is a wonderful man and holds many of those titles too.

Many women at my age, twently-five, are not worried about preschool, daily schedule for the family, poopy diapers, menu planning, and being selfless.  I am glad I am where I am.  I have a supportive husband and two children that I would do anything for.  I truly believe Heavenly Father picked them specifically to be in our family.  They are such wonderful children, and I am blessed that I hold the ultimate title as Mommy.  


grandma x 4!!! said...
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grandma x 4!!! said...

You are just plain great!! Love you.