Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving and the Cottriels

Happy Thanksgiving.  All the credit goes to the man of the house, Eric!  He made sure everything was cooked, hot and done on time.  I really am so thankful for him.
Grandpa Cotttriel had the honor or carving the turkey. 
 Brooklyn ready for dinner! 
Bentley ready for dinner! 

And it was served 

 what a happy man. right?

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and were able to spend it with wonderful people. 
Everyone who attended: 
Eric, Alyssa, Brookly, Bentley, Grandpa Cottriel, Grandma Cottriel and Uncle Kyle. 

You can't have a visit from the grandparents without crafts, games and fun right. Brooklyn made sure she kept them busy. 

The Grandparents also took Brooklyn to a Rec Center that had a huge water area.  They spend some quality time playing together and swimming. 

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