Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Bentley 1 year stats

Weight :21 lb 3 oz -21%
Height:29 inches - 18%
Head:18.9 inches -87% 

Bentley really only needs 2 words to sum him up, maybe 3...

Mama's Boy 


He is such a mama's boy.  All he wants is to be held, rocked, and held by me, all day long.  If that happened life is perfect in bentley's eyes.  I do have to admit it, I LOVE it at times, and other times it breaks my heart that he is crying on my feet wanting me. 

He is also such a boy, when mom is away that boy will just pay with balls, cars and toys all day long.  He throws them down the stairs, hits them together and even makes car noises.  Vrrrumm. 

He eats decently.  He is always hungry and sometimes will actually pass up what we are eating.  He is weaned completely! Was difficult to do, but after he finally got a hang of the sippy cups deal he was good to go.  

Recently we realized he might be allergic or not ready for cows milk.  So we have offered him soy milk for now.  He had a really bad diaper rash due to the milk. So we'll wait a while and introduce it again. But until then he drinks a little bit of milk and a ton of water. He is a water boy. 

He loves anything Brooklyn has.  

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